Protect Your Logo

How to Make Your Company Matter is a 6-part vlog series designed to walk you through 6 crucial steps every business needs to consider when branding themselves. We hope the information is helpful!


Lesson One - Protect Your Logo

Whether you have spent thousands of dollars or had your neighbor’s teenage kid slap it together, your logo is you. Every dollar you spend in advertising is money spent reinforcing to the public at large that your logo is to be thought of in conjunction with your company. To not protect your logo is to waste the investment you have made in promoting it.

What do I mean by protect? I mean care for it like it’s your firstborn child! You should have stringent guidelines in place telling everyone who will work with your logo how they can and cannot use it, your employees should be reminded regularly of the value of that logo and you must be willing to take a stand at all cost to protect the integrity of it!

A good place to start is by creating a place where designers, advertisers and anyone who will need your logo can access vector files at best and high resolution files at least of your logo. There are many great online services (Dropbox, Copy, etc.) where you can keep the files and email a link to anyone working with it.